So I’ve decided, since I’ve had a few beers* and this sounds like a great idea, that I’m going to live-blog tonight's cooking adventure. Nick is working late, so I’m left to my own devices.
Today’s ingredients are:
Puff pastry
I’m going to finish it (whatever it will be) with toasted sesame seeds.
à suivre....
*Amsterdam Blond, if you need to know.
Add to that mushrooms and garlic.
I'm thinking of roasting everything...
For the prep process, I have switched to white wine, a 2010 Ironstone Obsession Symphony, from California. I'll let you know how that goes.
The wine is crisp, refreshing, with notes of chamomile and vanilla.
The broccoli (one small head), one giant leek, three biggish coffee mushrooms got finely chopped and six cloves of garlic got rough chopped, slathered in canola oil, liberally sprinkled with smoked salt and the whole lot is now resting comfortably in a 400º oven. I figure if I toss it a lot, it won't caramelize too quickly.
Holy schnitzels! I almost forgot bacon!!!
Am pan-frying six slices of bacon to add to roasting veggie mix. Which by the way, if you stir every seven minutes, seems to work quite well.
Also, pouring a second glass of wine.
The trick to roasting veg is to line the pan with foil, so you don't have to do any crazy dish doing after you're done dinner. #themoreyouknow
So, I’ve unrolled the puff pastry, I’ve covered it with a delicate layer of organic vegan pesto, made by dear friends at the Blue Skies Music Festival. I've covered that with the roasted veg, which smell delicious, btw. Then on went the chopped bacon, and slices of mozz cheese, to bake in a 375º for... I don't know... shoot. What time was it when I put it in? Dammit. I have to go look in on this torte now....
It’s done to perfection! The cheese is wonderfully golden, all the flavours meld gorgeously together, and the wine is a beautiful high note to the meal.
Cheers to a fabulous meal!!
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